Worcester Civic Society, founded in 1959, was born out of the 1950's recognition of the threat to the historic fabric of our cities and towns, in the wake of wartime devastation and the frenetic efforts to repair its damage and modernise the urban landscape.
In the intervening 50 years, we have come to see the historic environment as more and more important. In Worcester, despite the ravages of the 1970s, we still have a wealth of important buildings in the city’s historic core and beyond. The need for the Society to work with the City and County Councils to ensure that the best is made of this inheritance remains as important as ever.
Worcester Civic Society Officers & Committee
Further Information
Through a varied programme of events we help to inform and entertain members and create opportunities for discussion, particularly on matters affecting the City's development and presentation. We produce a regular newsletter covering its activities and matters of interest and debate locally and nationally.
Worcester Civic Society is a registered charity and is independent of political parties. Our members meet jointly with the City's Conservation Area Advisory Committee (CAAC), and regularly meet with the City's Planning and Regeneration Officers.
The Society is a member of the national body Civic Voice.